The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book An innovative landmark from “one of the really great cooks of all time” (James Beard). More
Donna Hay I read Patrick Süskind’s Perfume: The Story of a Murderer at twenty-three years old on the plane on my way to Paris, on the beginning of my first big overseas adventure. More Donna Hay
The Kitchen Diaries Now in its third installment; the original was named “Book of the Year” by sixteen publications. More
Kitchen Confidential New York Times bestseller that helped launch a wave of interest in chefs and the culinary arts. More
Yates’ Garden Guide Now in its seventy-eighth edition, this book was initially written to answer gardeners’ questions. More
Emily Post’s Etiquette This “bible of etiquette” has been published by HarperCollins for more than three decades. More