Lysa TerKeurst I’ll never forget going through Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby and Victory Over the Darkness by Neil Anderson simultaneously as a new Christian. More Lysa TerKeurst
The Purpose Driven Life The bestselling hardback nonfiction book in history, it has sold more than 30 million copies. More
Heaven Is for Real The life-changing story of a boy who experiences Heaven, with 11 million copies sold. More
John Eldredge I write for the same reasons I read—for pleasure, for wonder, but mostly to sort things out. More John Eldredge
Jesus Calling The number one selling devotional, Jesus Calling is one of Thomas Nelson’s bestselling books of all time. More
Jen Hatmaker By the time I was ten, I’d probably read The Secret Garden thirty times. More Jen Hatmaker
New King James Version Bible (NKJV) One of the top three bestselling Bibles, alongside the NIV and the KJV. More
Peace with God First book from Billy Graham, said to be the most influential Christian voice of this century. More
Dave Ramsey When young leaders in my organization ask me what they can do to grow, my first response is always pretty obvious: read! More Dave Ramsey
Jefferson Bethke Reading books to me is one of the biggest joys in all of life. More Jefferson Bethke