Dan Harris I used to read to lead a lot of fiction, mostly for the escape—to be transported to other places and times. More Dan Harris
Good to Great One of the most influential management bestsellers; explores how companies transition from average to extraordinary. More
No Logo International bestseller and one of the world’s most influential books on the alter-globalization movement. More
The Making of the President 1960 This groundbreaking national bestseller and Pulitzer Prize winner revolutionized the way presidential campaigns are reported. More
The Intelligent Investor The stock market bible, hailed by Warren Buffett as “the best book on investing ever written.” More
Barbarians at the Gate Considered one of the best business narratives ever written, it changed the way business stories are told. More
Profiles in Courage Pulitzer Prize winner that helped propel the young senator to the White House. More
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance The philosophical classic that inspired millions struggling to find meaning in the modern world. More
Freakonomics Multimillion-copy bestseller that helped launch a wave of interest in behavioral economics and statistics. More