The Kon-Tiki Expedition This classic, inspiring tale of daring and courage has been translated into sixty-five languages. More
The Boys of Summer Beloved sports classic published to immediate critical success about Ebbets Field and the Brooklyn Dodgers. More
Seven Years in Tibet A landmark in travel writing, it has been translated into fifty-three languages. More
Fermat’s Last Theorem International number one bestseller about solving a puzzle that had confounded mathematicians since the seventeenth century. More
Jack Higgins Why I write: Some years ago, although enjoying great success, I was accused by certain literary critics of repeating myself too much in my work. More Jack Higgins
The Hunt for Red October Clancy’s debut novel launched a spectacular career and introduced the world to a new hero, Jack Ryan. More
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors A multimillion-copy benchmark of adventure/survival nonfiction. More
Love and War in the Apennines The early life story of a man who would become one of Britain’s best-loved literary adventurers. More
Coming of Age in Samoa A classic that brought science and literature together for both scholars and the general public. More
Bernard Cornwell The most magical phrase I knew as a child was “Once upon a time” because those four words meant a story was coming. More Bernard Cornwell