Fermat’s Last Theorem International number one bestseller about solving a puzzle that had confounded mathematicians since the seventeenth century. More
Cathy Marie Buchanan I write because I’m compelled to create and writing is the act that best satisfies the itch. More Cathy Marie Buchanan
Coming of Age in Samoa A classic that brought science and literature together for both scholars and the general public. More
Heather O’Neill A book that influenced me and why: A Season in the Life of Emmanuel by Marie-Claire Blais More Heather O’Neill
Shilpi Somaya Gowda At every stage of life, since being a kid with a flashlight under the covers, reading has always been my favorite activity. More Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Barometer Rising The first novel by MacLennan, one of Canada’s most significant novelists of the mid-twentieth century. More
Rosemary Sullivan I write out of compulsion. “The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner,” as Alan Sillitoe remarked—the exhilaration and discipline of the run; the finish line unknown until you get there. More Rosemary Sullivan