Fermat’s Last Theorem International number one bestseller about solving a puzzle that had confounded mathematicians since the seventeenth century. More
Cathy Marie Buchanan I write because I’m compelled to create and writing is the act that best satisfies the itch. More Cathy Marie Buchanan
Shilpi Somaya Gowda At every stage of life, since being a kid with a flashlight under the covers, reading has always been my favorite activity. More Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Heather O’Neill A book that influenced me and why: A Season in the Life of Emmanuel by Marie-Claire Blais More Heather O’Neill
Rosemary Sullivan I write out of compulsion. “The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner,” as Alan Sillitoe remarked—the exhilaration and discipline of the run; the finish line unknown until you get there. More Rosemary Sullivan
Barometer Rising The first novel by MacLennan, one of Canada’s most significant novelists of the mid-twentieth century. More
Coming of Age in Samoa A classic that brought science and literature together for both scholars and the general public. More